Author: jose

  • Sells Goals Objectives Feature

    Text that prodaet.Tseli, objectives, role. First of all, however trite it may sound, when you write a sales letter – do it with great enthusiasm and energy! Let the pages of this text, pour your emotions! Do not just beat the keys of a keyboard or a pen drive on a paper, and get drunk with this process, be it the process! Enjoy a sincere admiration for your proposed products of the benefits and prospects that it will provide your buyer. Shall describe in detail all of this, and let your sincerity flows from paper directly to the consumer! Turn back a few blocks: emotionally colored and emotionally charged stories, a small pinch intelligent humor, words that evoke the mind of the reader vivid images. Also not unimportant detail when you write a good ad text should pay close attention to headings. Why them? First of all, because the title is at least half uspeha.Eto is where your selling texts lose most people.

    Is where all your work can go down the drain. The title can ruin everything, if it is written correctly. Y there is no header hit the target reader. There is no purpose to sell your product. The sole purpose of the title should be to make a person read your first paragraph. What you write after the header. Experiment: come up with a strange, veiled title.

    For example: The night mist, the hour has come. Ready? This seemingly strange ironic title will attract the attention of man, and he will definitely read the next paragraph. You can also use the title date, an upcoming event that a person has in mind a framework in which to operate (have time / do not have time). With regard to the length of the header, it does not matter how long he will let him to live his life. Most importantly, it served its function. He should make a person read the next paragraph. Also, note the following important detail. Marketing text will not be able settle in the customer desire to purchase this product, which it simply is not needed and does not have any value for him initially. All that can sell the text – this is to stir, shake dreams and desires, to kindle a fire, which is already in the heart, mind and soul of the buyer. The only thing that can sell the text – this is to focus all existing target market emotions around a particular product or service. Take these factors into account, and it necessarily bring you closer to the goal. Namely – to increase sales and improve the efficiency of your company.

  • Important Marketing Tool

    To date, have a website on the Internet is necessary not only for the prestige of the firm. It is necessary for the development and support of almost any kind of business. Site development – an important marketing tool. With a relatively little cost to the manufacturing site, you get a powerful promotional tool to draw attention to the goods or services to your firm. The number of Internet users is constantly increasing, which means that creating a corporate Web site, your company every day to acquire new potential customers.

    Studios 'artistic council' for help in making this site. Design studio "hudsovet" for two years successfully working in graphic and web design. Since the founding of the studio engaged in creating web sites and has earned a good reputation. Style of the design studio – is an individual approach to each project, the quality and compliance with the agreed terms. The Internet has become the easiest and cheapest way to get information. The modern CEO has to understand that the manufacturing site will help the company achieve greater success. Design studio "hudsovet" waiting for your suggestions! Web site design and logo design as very important. He should encourage the visitor to stay on it longer and eventually turned into your company. Important point – accommodation and support. Corporate site should be placed on the quality hosting and be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Support site should be a regular, established website is not should be abandoned.

  • Webmoney Keeper

    varied climbs infection – viruses, worms, trojans. And if a particular user in the worst case full cost 'drift' of the system, and a few 'dead' hours to install the necessary software and games, for a person who is engaged in online business, such promiscuity in its working tools can be fatal. System failure can cause loss of important data – and this is indirect financial losses. Moreover – missed a trojan could lead to direct financial losses. My case was, even confess – two when due Use of unlicensed (and therefore does not update) OSes and missed trojan, just stupid to have climbed on my eGold and took quite a tidy sum cu Continue to science. 🙂 So just enjoy the silly antivirus and firewall compromised – that you definitely jeopardize the security of your computer and your financial security. Still, in my view, very bright and obvious example, do you know for sure aaplet 'Webmoney Keeper' – a program leading-purse payment system Runet. Imagine for a moment that it applies not free, but for some certain (quite lift) amount. Now tell me – a lot of people would have found in their right mind, who would enjoy such kryaknuta (cracked) software to manage your money? ;)) After all, the answer is quite obvious, is not it? So why do not particularly enjoy thinking kryaknuta antivirus – because the situation here absolutely similar to! From this grows legs in the second part of this article – make money on software.

  • CRM System

    Often the implementation of crm-system has been criticized regarding its effectiveness. A detailed analysis proves that this criticism arises because of categorical promises providers crm-systems, which results in overestimated expectations among consumers, resulting in a series of "stories of failure." As an example of successful implementation of crm-systems can lead the National Bank of Australia's NAB. The bank took a leading position in the market and was recently named "Financial Company of the Year" by using more than 10 years, crm-system development company National Leads Terradata.2, seven million transactions each day is a bank. Records of all transactions shall crm-system, filling the dossier consisting of 600 parameters for each client. Such a detailed systematization of the need for more accurate analysis of the prospects of a banking services tailored to different customer preferences. "It is difficult to present the work of our without our company a strategic resource – crm-systems. The introduction of crm-system of our competitors only started, and we have long used a system developed specifically for us and we already have a great wealth of experience, "says Gerd Schenkel, vice president of NAB. "With this system we have achieved good results, but we're already working on further development of the crm-system, because the range of services of our bank continues to grow. "Julian Beavis, Vice President Terradata in Australia and New Zealand, said: CRM-system NAB'a is a great example of the breadth of the world as a progressive company to competently use analytical methods and the introduction of crm, to achieve high results. This experiment marks the majority CRM.

  • Work Without Training

    How often have you had to work without training? Because such a situation arose in each – one in the household, who – at work or in business, who – in his personal life. If you are the mistress of the house, and your New Year's Eve cookery book with your favorite recipes severely pogryzla dog. What to do? After all, before the holiday remains a matter of hours! You have to work without training – or rather, is preparing an accelerated pace, re-compile a list of foods to indulge in course fantasy (do not want to disgrace himself in front of family and friends) agree with the desire of financial opportunities. In the end – born culinary masterpieces, and written a new book of recipes. Or – in the office five minutes before the end of the lunch break, an emergency order from the chief, saying that "the only hope for you," and time for the job – no more than an hour. You again have to work without training, frantically running around on the links to find the right EXPLORER'a information. You are the most focus, unable to hear outside sounds, you – like a jet plane: between you and the distance to a runway. Business (and who is doing them, he can not help but agree) – is a chain events, each of which has to work without training.

    New day – new challenges – new opportunities – and new people: every day – a cut above. Work without training is always present at events such as trainings and corporate events. Of course, that to them no one ever ready – they do not warn, not to spoil the effect. And in my personal life happened to literally "get out" of the conflict. And as a master succeeded! Thus, summing up, we can conclude that the job without training is useful and desirable for a person because it: helps to activate the imagination, develops the ability to concentrate, and creates favorable conditions for development and personal growth. In today's world there is a whole service sector, which covers a very wide range of activities – industry people working without training. Representatives a call when you need help.

    When you need to bring a bright purple 22 ball in kindergarten, to fall on the roof of the car at the crossing at 18:15, while everywhere cork glued to the ceiling … furniture – when you want to break into everydayness, and to prove that a dream so real … Have you thought about how interesting way to live – not knowing what to bring to you the coming day, do not plan ahead and not thinking about the rest, and when each step – this is a challenge and impromptu. And each moment can elevate as well as subvert. Instant reaction, acute hearing, lightning wit and just a smile on your face … because the genius of human nature indestructible … Unfortunately, the speed of our Everyday brings the work "help" to the needs to go to the store, sit with a sick grandmother and the child a ride on the machine. But life still left many dreamers and "madmen", which is essential (!) On the fly helicopters in the maternity ward and change of Santa Claus, sent cards and living wake favorite SMS poetry. So, in this world there is a place for beauty. ___________________________ You go to the blog of copywriter:

  • Chief Manager

    Based on experience in training can be identified The three most significant mistake made subordinate to the interaction with the supervisor. 1.Uverennost that the obvious subordinate should also be obvious leader. Suggesting any ideas officers, employees often speak as if talking to yourself. But people are different. And the head is often simply can not understand the whole "genius" idea of a slave for two reasons: the difference in the vision of the situation and not understanding the language of description. In the first case, the slave tries to convince the head of a department need to pay premiums for a good job, considering that this is a matter of course. But for a manager is not an obvious need such a step.

    Moreover, such a move perceived by them as another cost and an attempt to profit at the expense of the company. To convince the manager, you need to think like a manager, look at the situation from his position. What is the value of the work, which department did the importance of paying premiums, and how this award will affect the work of the department. As well as the consequences of failure can lead the award. Then this step is perceived as a leader organizational decision, not "walking on a leash" "uppity" If a slave to speak the language of description, it is particularly clear if the bug is characteristic of experts in such professional fields, on which the head often has a rather superficial view (eg: the work of the chief accountant, programmer).

  • University

    Vitger I really want to go to study in Germany, however, some issues arose. To date, I'm a second year of high school in Belarus, the level of German – complete 0. I understand from reading the forum, I need to go to Germany to learn German courses and then enroll in college in Germany. When should you begin to execute and deal with other documents, if I want to start in Germany in September and October 2009? At the time, I will teach the courses German language, can I work in Germany? How much do I need money (for services + financing) in total? Am I eligible to choose a school German language itself, or only those schools that provides your company? Interested in Dortmund. May someone from the veteran tells the strongest school of German in Germany? Katryn Good day! After the second year of high school in the cis countries you can go to Germany only in the specialty in which learning is now (or at sister). But admission to universities in Germany must take the test on the dsh German language skills. Pull up to the required level of knowledge can be courses at the university, but on condition that a certain level you already have. With zero knowledge of the language to do these courses, unfortunately, is impossible. Therefore, you must first enroll in courses in German in Belarus and to obtain the level of B2. On this level, and 700-800 hours of language study, you will be able to enroll in college, and German already complete their education at university.

  • Bearings

    All bearings, independent of their type, should always be checked for each diagnosis (testing backlash, listening to foreign metallic noise). It may be noted that the replacement wheel bearing is a routine work, but it must be remembered, and the recommendations of the manufacturers. If you have any accompanying noise when driving or riding (difficulty of the wheels) – the first sign of "disease" bearings. But as soon as it happens depends on the quality of bearings in the first place on your luck. Plays an important role and coverage of roads (as far as bearings for cars) – is not always possible to go on perfectly smooth surface, hence the wear bearings. You ask the question: "How many bearings can withstand?". The answer – a lot and very little.

    Year, and maybe even a season of active driving on the road will lead to bearing wear (whatever they are good build nebyli). From three to five years will serve bearings for the "walk and not training." Bearings can simply "kill" skating on the wet asphalt in the rain or after it. There have been cases that on the morning of the wheel roller is very difficult to turn and even a very strong your friend is not able to cope with it. In most cases you should not really worry about and experience – all fixable. I also want to note that the negative effect on the bearings have a large (Unintended) load – kicks, jumps. On personal experience I can say that timely maintenance, inspection in the diagnosis, moderate off-road riding – one hundred percent will increase the life of your bearings. Now there are many bearing producers, both domestic production and foreign. Impossible to give specific recommendations as to specific design is necessary to select certain bearings.

  • Construction Of Turnkey Cottages

    Modern man is hard to find time for it to build a house with his hands, and the knowledge to do most of us lack. Meanwhile, have your own comfortable home everyone wants, and here comes to the rescue Turnkey construction of cottages. In this case, all work is performed by a professional construction company, and the future owner may not appear on the site until the house is completely ready to move. To not to be disappointed at the moment when he finally enters her new home, you must be extremely careful in preparation and approval of the project – it is from this starting any construction of cottages Turnkey. Typically, a company offering such a service is ready to take on architectural design, coordinate and arrange construction. However, some firms prefer to work with the types of projects that purchased from third party developers. Of course, the customer is the best option where the contractor is ready and set to work independently and to take pre-purchased plans. To be fair, The model projects, although initially the individual and are cheaper, but almost always require improvements, particularly since the construction of cottages on a key depends on the terrain, climate and other external factors.

    Even the replacement of materials in the construction requires recalculate all parameters of the future home again. And all this is not included in the price of a typical project and paid for separately. An important step is the preparation and budgeting. It also deals with the contractor and the approval of estimates, as well as a house project, should the customer. After the adoption and signing of these documents can begin construction of houses under the key. Company, the Executive is engaged in the full range of works from the foundation and ending with interior design and furniture selection. Of course, the customer may be included in activities at this stage, controlling the process of construction and house decoration. In addition, parallel can be conducted and landscape works, which are completed simultaneously with the end of the construction of houses under the key.

  • Selfregister

    Deciding not to spend money on brokers, I decided to register the company yourself. Experience in such matters, I had no idea, but after reading online about how there is a registration of companies, I realized that nothing daunting is not here, can handle himself. The more so to address this issue, I went for a long time, and even have had the "iron" agreement to lease premises with the consent of the owner to give me legal address (which is already something!). First, I sat down to prepare the constituent documents. My goal was to create a small firm selling advertising space in the media.

    Experience in this field, I had a considerable one. So I, without thinking twice, asked for help from his former boss, who opened the safe and a friendly let me read the charter, minutes of meeting of the founders and other documents, which includes registration llc. But I think when wish I would have coped without his help, because on the Internet, today you can find samples of all the constituent documents. In the end, I prepared to register the following information and documents: – through suffering sleepless nights Name Future Ltd – selected me kind of economic activity according to nace classification – the legal address (which was taken care of in advance) – the size of the share capital (chose to start a minimum) – copy your passport (I – the only founder and CEO) – Full name of the chief accountant and a copy of his passport – the charter company – the decision to open llc.