With this philosophy, they bring all their experience and business know-how, said Nino Murcia, architect of some of the corporate image campaigns most important of our country “the only thing we have made applying our methodology and experience to a field, the election really needs professionals without political affiliation.” From this election focused marketing consulting services within the parameters of “excellence, independence, transparency, professionalism and honesty.” And this is possible because MKE integrates a multidisciplinary team of over twenty top-level professionals capable of working in very diverse areas, to achieve a comprehensive service in which a candidate can have all the tools necessary to achieve their goals. a In this sense, Jose Luis Casero, trachea was director of economic and industrial promotion in Madrid for five years, means that “parties and candidates could be analyzed with some variation as political firms producing goods such as political ideologies, services and decisions. And in competition with others. So you can not even wait until the last minute, ie the campaign. That is the great error. Citizens need to be in constant contact with their politicians, not only in time to get the vote.
Society demands every day ideas, credibility, honesty, trust, experience and expertise in management, and this is a process in time, also won every day with adequate preparedness. ” MKE’s client has a clear profile that point both managers: “We advise the best professionals with proven experience and expertise in the field privadoa and want to join la public sector management, people and institutions that have values that contribute to society , a even if not raised within any political party of so-called traditional. ”
This is why this initiative wants to change the treatment so far has given the election campaign: “What happens is that has been developed in the right way, has not integrated the real protagonists are the citizens and has been marked by an exercise-dependent, non-partisan and professional. This has led to disappointment from the people about parties and candidates. No need to look at the latest polls for assessing the current political class, in which no leader approves “said Murcia. a About MKE, Marketing Consultant Electoral This marketing consultants and election management stems from the initiative of a group of professionals from various sectors, with an experience of over 20 years, specializing in corporate and institutional communication, public relations, image and identity, as well as management and the enhancement of innovative projects in the electoral field. The consultancy, based in Madrid, to try to respond to these electoral processes and situations providing the necessary tools to assist and advise in the projection of the image, and popular figures citizens to know and deal with any process that involves a choice among several candidates, including through partnerships of all kinds, chambers of commerce and small pueblosa mayors and municipalities.