Author: jose

  • Sea Fishing In Denmark On The Yellow Reef

    The Yellow Reef in Denmark has built in the 80s and 90s, an almost legendary reputation as Grossfischrevier. Nowhere else could they catch many big fish so and so. It has become a little calmer, but there is really nothing going on, as some alarmists are trying to make us believe? The Yellow Reef is an underwater plateau in northern Denmark, about 30-40 km from the coast. It falls back to Norway from 30-40 m water depths up to 700 m in the Norwegian channel – with an irregular soil profile. Ie are here to find individual surveys, as well as channels, a variety of ship wrecks provide shelter and food to the fish. This profiled substrate the yellow reef fish is too difficult for commercial fishermen, too big is the risk of damaging the nets or to lose it. The reef fishing trips for the yellow go from Hirtshals and Hanstholm.

    Here are the interested angler different boats for day trips and multiple day trips to choose from. Also from Tyboron and Skagen drive launches for the yellow reef, but have this one a little longer directions, so that sufficient time is to build the equipment and tie the assembly. The main fish species belonging to the family of cod: cod, ling, coley (saithe), pollack and haddock. But flatfish occur, such as plaice, turbot and halibut. In addition, catfish (catfish) and monkfish on the Yellow Reef is home. Rare are the porbeagle shark and rays, the red tuna is almost only a memory from the 40s – 60s, he plays on the reef today no longer relevant. The fishing tackle should be strong: one 30 lbs Bootsrute, multi-role he and 0.20 until 0.30 braided cord.

    These jigs in weights up to 700 g, by-catch in size 8 / 0 to 12 / 0 and strong natural bait assembly with corresponding Bebleiung. In the '80s, when people began to discover the Yellow Reef angle Risch, mass kapitaler catches fish were almost the rule. Fish from which one could only dream of: cod of 40, 50 or more pounds, as capital burbots and monkfish. After the first run, it is indeed gone a bit quiet and the very rare Great, which does not mean that there is nothing to get on the Yellow Reef. Also today is still: the opportunity to catch big fish within reach, are nowhere better than here. (Unless you take the long drive to northern Norway on themselves or fly to the Big Game fishing for southern Europe), the fish are above the average sizes are anywhere else reached: the cod are at 50-20 pounds, 20-30 pounders are on almost every tour caught fish in the league 30-50 pounds and more are possible at any time, but naturally rare. To get the really big ling, a few boats to offer special deep-sea tours. It can be manually assigned deep channels and wrecks, fishing depth is 150 m and more. The equipment must therefore be of best quality, otherwise they will not survive the occurring loads. Rare on porbeagle fishing tours are offered. Here it is better to with like-minded people together and book includes a full charter. The captain will assist the anglers best efforts so that they come to their Fangerlebnissen. The Yellow Reef is far better than is sometimes portrayed. There are plenty of fish and there is a chance to catch the fish of his life. The legend lives on also.

  • Tuna Pie Recipe Recipes

    Tuna pie is a recipe typical of Easter, so these days are the best time to do it. There are many recipes for it, we have chosen that we have found the easiest of all: Ingredients for the cake of tuna: a cake cover. 2 cans of tuna. 1 egg. 2 tomatoes. 3 Onions. Oil.

    Manteca. Buttery cheese. Grated cheese. Casancrem cheese. Salt Pepper. Oregano. We put two or three tablespoons of oil in a large frying pan. Three onions cut into small squares and put them to heat.

    Cut two tomatoes into large squares. We provide heat in a small saucepan heat the egg (boiled egg). Open cans of tuna, add to pan, without oil in the cans, along with tomatoes. Then add salt and pepper and mix everything. Add two tablespoons of cheese (casancrem) and oregano, turn to mix everything. When the onions are Transparency is the signal that we will have finished cooking all, since the tuna is not need cooking. Grease pizza and will one of the tops of cake, either stretched to cover the bottom, then add the preparation above the top of cake, we will also take the egg shell and cut into large pieces, incorporating it as well. Add buttery cheese into pieces and, ultimately, put the cheese on top. The lid will close with another cake. We’ll put in the oven (medium / high) about 20, 25 minutes and you’re ready to eat our cake tuna.

  • The Panga, A Fish Highly Controversial Fashion And Beauty

    Panga consumption has grown over 230% since 2004 in Spain and is a growing trend. Its success is not free of controversy, accusing him of little nutritive be contaminated. The panga is one of the most consumed fish in Spain and is a growing trend. Its imports are growing in Europe at a rate of 60% annually since 2004. Is a regular homes, children’s canteens and hospitals. It makes sense: it has no thorns, no special preparation needed, is low in fat and calories, juicy white meat that combines all tend to like and everything is very cheap. The scientific name for this freshwater fish is pangasius hypophthalmus and its juvenile form is an old acquaintance of ornamental aquarium enthusiasts. The examples that come to the table come from Asian fish farms, mainly Vietnamese, in which there is more fish than water.

    That support the overpopulation so well together with the low cost of labor in Vietnam and the fact that what he most closely resembles a chicken breeding farm that camera on fishing partly explains their low price and popularity. But the overwhelming success of the dinghy being built blisters. It is the Spanish sector is up in arms against this fish. The trout has been a major hit. Also sea fish with white flesh, such as hake. The owners where owners complain of unfair competition or is claimed that this fish does not meet the adequate sanitary controls are increasingly common.

    Last week panga not be served in schools and public center hospitals. to establish a research on the safety of panga fish is marketed in Galicia and request the central government authorities to analyze it from third countries before their release to the market Galician. In July, at the repeated reports of the Cooperative of Shipowners of Vigo and other associations of the Galician fishing sector, acquired in the laboratory markets Vigo Galicia Anfaco-Cecopesca. Six was the presence of the bacillus that causes diseases and remains in a carrier of cholera bacteria. argues among other things that fish do not contain significant quantities of Omega 3 oils and other essential nutrients which are present in fish traditionally sold in Spain, both aquaculture and capture. ” finding in them signs of mercury and pesticides. Yes, always within the legal limits (the highest levels were found in half of what is allowed: 0.5 mg / kg). Yet his recommendation is that the consumption of these fish should be limited to once a week. Although the OCU acknowledged in his report that the other fish we see in the market that are not exactly pristine. with fish that have higher or lower risk of being contaminated with mercury, and which are in danger of extinction or are caught using methods harmful to the environment. But the truth is that the panga does come to Spain. In September, 483,000 tons of panga to the Spanish market according to the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs.

  • Causa Stuffed With Tuna (Peru General )

    Historical Review: When I was studying to be a professional kitchen, my mentor and Chef Culinary Studies Center (CEGA) was Victor Moreno. Last Christmas, I was able to remember my student days when my son’s girlfriend Jefferson, Mary, invited us to dinner to celebrate the birthday of her mother, Mrs. Rosa Cancino. They are Peruvian, so that day we tasted the traditional Chicken Stuffed Cause, a typical dish in Peru. This week I offer the same recipe, but this time filled with tuna. The cause is one of the traditional dishes of the cuisine that comes from the Quechua Kausaya a , it tastes nice and one of the most successful in the world, there are different ways to prepare it, being the main ingredient the yellow potato.

    a Ingredients: For the Cause: 3 pounds yellow potatoes y 3 1 / 2 pounds yellow potatoes 1 onion, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped red pepper Juice of 4 lemons 2 tablespoons oil Salt and pepper to taste For the Filling: 1 can of tuna 1 pound 1 cup mayonnaise 1 small onion, chopped 3 boiled eggs sliced black olives u 10 pound cheese diced 1 avocado, cut into slabs Chopped parsley for garnish a Procedure: In a bowl, put the lemon juice, minced onion, pepper, salt and pepper, let marinate. Then peel the potatoes, cut into pieces, wash and put the fire in a pot with water and salt. It brings to a boil and cook for about 15-20 minutes or until potatoes soften and can be pierced with a fork. Drain well, mash into puree. Enter pre-marinated onion with all the dressing and toss until all ingredients are incorporated. Add the oil little by little while stir until ingredients are well linked.

    Then, mix in a bowl crumbled tuna, finely chopped onion, mayonnaise, set aside. Finally put in a dish or a drum, one third of the mash. Spread throughout the container mode make a layer. Add half the tuna mixture, extending the middle third of the mash to form the second layer and then put the remaining tuna, then the slices of avocado and top with remaining puree. Garnish with eggs and olives, and at the heart of cheese cubes, and finally parsley and bring to the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Tips: You can substitute the tuna previously boiled and shredded chicken or crab. Prepare the dish in a deep tray or individually.