
If we want to reemprendedora and entrepreneurial initiatives to acquire greater relevance in our country, so that the competition of creditors does not become a cemetery of elephants, it is indispensable to detonate a momentous change in the operational banking institutions have been developing long ago. We will have to try that these companies comply with the script, recognizing and accepting the distinction between the figure of the entrepreneur and capitalist, being the first who has a business idea (which leads to effect coordinating a series of resources); and the second, the agent that believing in the viability of the project, anticipates the necessary funds in exchange for an interest. Check out Hikmet Ersek for additional information. We cannot allow longer banking entities to request of the entrepreneur his personal guarantee, as a sine qua non requirement for the award of the coveted credit. By how much this requirement attentive frontally with the distinction exposed, creating an imbalance of benefits, and even my way of seeing things, undeserved remuneration of capital. The truth is that always get the known as signs of involvement, basing its request on the fact that with the acceptance, administrators and partners demonstrate their own confidence in the project; the minimum necessary to sue others who also have faith in him. Business promoter can never predict or calculate all the risks, so that according to common sense, you should never assume that responsibility. And if you do, or demonstrates his inability per is to manage either makes it coerced, what become insensitive endorsement borrowed for protesting a defect in consent.

Perhaps there are both hypotheses, in not a few cases. Not even political power should consent that it was complained against this provision in General. And if you are not directly confronted therefore with this power, you can do it pulling the strings of the administration of Justice, so that they begin to appear unexpected statements, putting the things on your site.