The performance of Morocco in the Sahara has sparked an unusual and overwhelming concern for human rights. I find it very well. Source: Aegean Shipping. So people very selective in their affectations, as left-wing filmmakers, have been disappointed with the deliberate quietism of Rodriguez Zapatero in this affair: saying that the diplomatic relationship is above the defence of human rights should be ashamed the President, to the Government, said an outraged Javier Bardem. But we must not fall into deception: this mobilization and this awakening of consciousness it is sporadic and concrete. It is the same as the Spanish families to younger Saharawi temporary reception so despiojen in summer and enjoy the municipal swimming pools.
And why is not equal with the ninos-soldado of Sierra Leone or the mutilated by mines landmines in Cambodia? It turns out that the same shocked that the attitude of Mohamed VI then laugh thanks to Fidel and Raul Castro. t. And who supported the boycott of apartheid South Africa are protesting now for the shy lock the repressive Cuban regime. Why callan, in addition, to the horror of the Korea of Kim Jon-il, the dictatorship of Mugabe in Zimbabwe or the plight of women in many Islamic countries? It is that, for some, human rights are strictly selective. Even from his comfortable leftist Parnassus, forget the next thing: those thousands of unemployed shamefully mendicant who only they serve Caritas and other faith-based organizations to which precisely disdain. Original author and source of the article.