But on the other hand it is not a problem recruit, this is a normal desire of every a person who wants to earn, and in the future to start a family. This problem of the state, not the conditions necessary for the person who decided to fulfill his constitutional duty. A young man quits work, and that after the end of his life will take on former place of interest is very small. As a consequence, an alternative solution of the problem is to buy a military identification card. This is one of the issues for patients conscript and his parents.
Where, how, and most importantly how much you can as they say now “solve” the problem with the coveted “red ticket”. Another contingent is eager to employees of state agencies such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Prosecutor’s Office. If what is to come – or check, the young people who work there, frantically entwine thresholds relatives of military enlistment offices, asking them to get a ticket as soon as possible. And they get them, either by themselves or after the call to an influential “Uncle,” who wants to protect his nephew from his duties as a citizen. The result is that we are the only people from poor families who do not have the resources to obtain a military identification card or a personal impulse recruits, or “otmuchus year but will not be up to 27 shake at every knock at the door.” The army is thus a “worker – peasant.” Another important problem is the bullying and harassment.
The problem is old and sore, very frequently in the media. On the Internet on this subject and theme army a lot of information, particularly evident in the form of clips about the outrages, outrage and lawlessness in the military. What is most interesting and shameful, play major roles in these commercials about everyday life in the army drunken officers. Moreover, the army chiefs of units and formations, where there are facts, “hazing” try not to wash dirty linen in public, not to go to the military prosecutor’s office, fearing remove straps. In my opinion, the removal of these elements of education, as cooler and reducing disciplinary battalions raise the level of bullying and harassment. As a result, we have, what we have. For even more opinions, read materials from emil michael. Hazing relationships shortfall, draft dodgers. In the end I would like to say, the army was there, and I hope will be a mainstay of the state. At all times, Russian history, the army was so powerful institutions of society which bears the most responsibilities. Moreover, without an army, and will not actually state, because the army is fulfilling one of the main external features – the question of war and peace, defense of state borders, and finally, the most in my opinion, main training feeling of love and pride to defend their homeland.