Alternative to synthetic antidepressants side effects of antidepressants and pfanzliche alternatives In the area of the antidepressants are known side effects various side effects. To mention is, that the Antidepressants can be side effects very different depending on the person. Not only in the type of antidepressants, side effects is to mention that there can be significant differences in relation to their intensity. Basically, side effects are just as affected as it is the case for women in the area of the antidepressants men. It should be differentiated, however, how much the side effects occur. Depending on the side-effects, it is necessary that drugs must be discontinued, or needs to be changed but also the revenue. Antidepressants appear to initially at a very low dose, ever to determine how a patient on the medication starts, or whether there are any complications directly, are to resolve that.
Should there be any problems with the antidepressants, so will the dose usually slow and piecemeal further increases usually until the desired target dose has been reached, or also, until side effects occur are rather undesirable. In part, it is also possible that the side effects only for a certain period occur because the body first must adapt to the new drug and the antidepressant side effects will disappear after that. Typically it takes approximately to the 3-5 weeks until the body on the antidepressants and to appropriate side effects can occur. The Antidepressants can be represented for example by loss of appetite side effects. It is also possible that while taking the antidepressants a slight nausea occurs, which can pull over several weeks. Muscle pain can also occur as side effects, just like a dizziness, that is also possible.
These side effects can either occur for only a few weeks, or but also during the entire Application of antidepressants occur. In addition, sleep disorders and headaches as strong side effects of antidepressants are known. Here, too, it is possible that these side effects only over a certain period of time can occur, or occur but also during the entire application of the drug. The side effects to occur, it is necessary that the dosage of the drug is significantly changed. One more way, become noticeable side effects is that the weight of patients significantly increasing, or but also significantly decreases. Basically, there are many ways in which antidepressants become apparent side effects. It is however to mention usually never all antidepressants at once cause side effects, so patients do not have to worry about, that they are at once affected by insomnia, loss of appetite and weight loss. Who has problems after the application of antidepressants, which should consult a specialist doctor in each case, with which It is counseled, whether other antidepressants used, or but whether the concentration of the drugs or the dose can be changed to produce better effects. Anyone wishing to take no synthetic and chemical preparations, highly effective herbal products such as 5-HTP or SAM-E are recommended.