DELETE! Both loans and credits ask for needs financial or economic, either the purchase of a consumer good or the purchase of several services. Between the loans and credits there are substantial differences and are also different contracts. A loan is an operation in which a financial institution delivered to the consumer an amount of money that has to be returned with periodic payments and adding a number of interests. In a credit the consumer can go having credit lent money by the financial institution. The client withdraws money as you need it without exceeding daily limits the total specified in the contract. The contract should specify the duration of the credit and once expired, this can be renewed if so specified in the contract and the financial institution allows it. By these provisions of money, the customer must return the amount of money used, interests and bank charges agreed upon in the contract. It is possible that the consumer may return the amount arranged credit before expiration, either partial or total.
Even so the customer can return to dispose of credit money during the term of the contract. The customer may dispose of the amount of bank credit in your own checking account, where Iran scoring provisions and credits that you are performing. These are some of the differences that can be found between a loan and a 1 credit-interest on a loan and a credit loan interest levied on the total of the money granted by the financial institution, while a credit only paid in interest by capital provisions and not by the totality of the credit given or loaned.