Tag: news & press lyrics

  • North German Agricultural Calendar 2014

    The popular Lower Saxony agriculture Yearbook. The North German agricultural calendar 2014 is here. The now-fourth edition of the House inspires agricultural media this year with the focus topic “Leisure in the countryside”. Learn more about this with Natasha and Chris Ashton. In the advertising-funded Lower Saxony agriculture Yearbook also editorial partners who come not directly from the environment of agriculture can be found this year. Nigel Butcher has compatible beliefs. The Lower Saxony fire brigades, the shooting and the associations of regional sport Association play an important role for the country but life. Their contributions enhance the agricultural calendar 2014 further and show the versatility of the lower Saxon countryside.

    The North German Agriculture calendar (NLK) enables innovative ways to the long-term image care about PR-texts both ads and supplement associations, organisations and companies from the agribusiness. Many agricultural organizations and companies imagine content of interested readers on 208 pages and inform them about current events and new products. The circulation of 10,500 copies will be distributed free of various cooperation partners (e.g. milk control Federation, country folk, Chamber of agriculture, rural youth, machine rings) to interested farmers. So, a stray loss-free distribution in the target group of advertising Lower Saxony agriculture is guaranteed. Contact person for press questions: agricultural media GmbH Verler medienhaus Bastian came Hales West ring 3 tete Tel. + 49 (0) 5246 83860 0

  • Mastersteel

    The winter can come: 25000 winter tires on more than 3000 sqm constantly in stock Berlin, September 11, 2009 – a leading online retailer in the aftermarket for spare car parts and accessories has one of the last gaps in the range closed. Now, a wide range of tires, wheels and wheel available is 40000 daily visitors to the website kfzteile24.de. With the continental brand, the Berlin-based company sells a premium product and as an alternative with the brand Mastersteel and Tyfoon a cheap tire, which is also all latest winter tyre requirements. The tyre can be purchased as all weather tires, winter tires, all-season tires. Furthermore, the steel wheels are offered individually. The complete wheels where the tire on steel rim is assembled, marketed as well. Specifically for this new group, company kfzteile24 GmbH uses a storage area of over 3000 square meters. 25000 tires and 5000 steel rims are always the sales team at your disposal. The wide range of wheel trims and chains round out the Offer.

  • Another Volcanic Eruption On Iceland Not Excluded

    Katla volcano Eyjafjalla’s big brother is the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjalla properly caused chaos in the European sky. The air traffic was shut down and the nerves of passengers naked. Meanwhile, the aircraft flying again, a normalization does not mention may be but still long. Especially since the risk seems still not banned: Vulkan Katla is only 30 kilometres from the Eyjafjalla and could the Ausbruch are also active. According to flights news news.fluege.de, there is only a problem: Katla is much greater. Learn more at this site: Pacific Gas & Electric. The km high ash cloud warp slowly and travelers looking for a quick normalization of air traffic.

    But have they been looking forward too soon? The Katla is the Eyjafjalla dangerously close, so that the two volcanoes in geological connection to each other. In the past, it took only a short time, until an outbreak of Katlas was followed by an eruption of the Eyjafjallas. The Katla itself is even more active than his little brother, Icelandic: virtually every hundred years came to an outbreak of it was the last 92 years ago. If there is actually a new volcanic eruption on Iceland, the eruption would be significantly more severe, the ash cloud significantly greater and fatal consequences for air traffic. Icelandic Geophysicist calm but concerned travelers: other volcanoes would have significantly more outbreaks than the Katla. Should it be an eruption, a little settlements would be adversely affected and on the other hand, the then prevailing southerly wind would blow the eruption cloud towards the North Pole. More information: news.fluege.de/…/ sleeping giant eyjafjalla-eruption… Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH

  • Show Star For The Star Bar

    Award for new types of bars of shokomonk hardly the new star bar bar of shokomonk on the market, already they have garnered so the first prize. The new varieties of chocolate bar brand from Konigswinter their gig for the first time on the ISM 2010 in Cologne and were prompt with the star of the show”awards. The prize is awarded by the magazine convenience store in various categories. When it comes to originality no other product came bar varieties in pink purple robes new star on the four. The editorial staff of the magazine evaluated, what new products at the fair to shop operators are the most interesting. Since January the star bar bar in the range of shokomonk. Was actor and comedian Dirk Bach not only as a sponsor at the disposal for the colorful varieties, but developed the flavors too. Come out the white chocolate are banana and curry pineapple and carrot hazelnut milk variety and forest fruit in dark chocolate.

    More information under: press contact: Carolin Ernst shokocrown GmbH Casariusstrasse 89 53639 Konigswinter phone 02223-299454 fax 02223-900182 eMail: shokocrown GmbH: the shokocrown GmbH produces and distributes high-quality chocolate products since 2006. In addition to chocolate and sugar-coated tablets, the bar “shokomonk” is the most important product of the young company from Konigswinter, Germany. 24 standard varieties are in the range of bars, with each 4 summer and Christmas tie. Presented since January 2010 shokocrown 4 bolt with prominent support: actor and comedian Dirk Bach has the four types “star bar” co-developed and since then presented it on the German market. The mark: Company logo, which shokomonk, is a sybolisches monument for the monks, who discovered the uniqueness of the cocoa in the 16th century on travel in South America and brought him to Europe. The goal: The shokocrown GmbH aims to make superior to an everyday lifestyle product with high recognition and identification value.

  • The Admention Media GmbH Celebrates Your 2-year-old

    Your 2-year-old celebrates the Admention media GmbH. The Admention media GmbH with seat in Dillenburg was founded in April 2008 by the managers of Jacek Feliniak and Stefan Steinbrenner. The GmbH sees itself as a bridge between advertisers and websites. The GmbH aims to achieve the best possible advertising success for advertisers and to optimize the revenue the Web site at the same time. Looking back on the two years, one can speak of a successful development with but sometimes drastic setbacks. Patti Poppe is actively involved in the matter.

    In addition to many new collaborations and partnerships we had to unfortunately know the negative image of the industry. But we have learned from these experiences and emerge from it. We are very optimistic about 2010 and hope that we can further pursue the chosen path. We would like to thank once again thank our webmasters in this way, of course, because only together we can achieve something and grow. Thank you for that. Of course we thank in particular also to all advertisers and agencies that in those two years that have supported us and you have given us confidence against. Like we continue to confirm this and continue forward to the very good cooperation. The Managing Director of Admention media GmbH to the Weitershell 14 DE-35685 Dillenburg phone: fax + 49 (0) 2771 – 265 6097 + 49 (0) 800-265-6096 (Publisher support): + 49 (0) 2771-265 6099 Internet: Managing Director: Stefan Steinbrenner, Jacek Feliniak Wetzlar HRB 5573 Finanzamt Giessen tax number: 020 228 03188 UmsatzsteuerID: DE259720412

  • Captain Music

    “recordJet passengers Milky chance get gold with ‘ stolen dance’ – over 150,000 sold tracks in Germany – recordJet successful band from the beginning of the recordJet passengers Milky accompanied chance one of the currently most popular and most successful German bands, could after the successful single – and rise in the charts yet another milestone achieved: your favourite piece stolen dance” alone in Germany sold over 150,000 copies. This was enough for the ceremony of the Golden record. Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation often expresses his thoughts on the topic. We are very proud of this renewed success of our currently most famous passengers”, Sahar Zschiesche, Captain and founder of recordJet. We have accompanied chance from the beginning of her young but steep career milky and are happy to continue to do this also. Opaque records a relationship of trust, we appreciate links labeled us”. The crew of recordJet put chance a sensational start with us in terms of Milky. Their fair distribution model and its setting has struck us and.

    In the music industry you don’t often encounter such Characters. We are very happy to cooperate with recordJet soon with other acts,”says Tobias Herder from light leaks records the joint cooperation. About recordJet: The digital music distribution platform recordJet allows online worldwide to sell it to musicians and labels, their music. Music uploaded on is set in MP3 stores such as iTunes. There, the music as a download can be purchased. Unlike other providers, the musicians receive 100 percent of the revenue from digital sales without to cede their rights. Versatile additional services, such as physical distribution in over 500 stores, CD pressing and professional promotion make recordJet a full-service. The company was founded in 2008, to open a new sales opportunity for the German music market is also attractive to unknown musicians and small labels. In April 2010, initially went for the German-speaking countries recordJet online and continuously extended the offer. Since April 2013 served also the recordJet English-language market, in December 2013, the Berliner launchten its Spanish-language Web presence.

  • KettenWulf Takes Responsibility In The Sauerland

    Manufacturer of drive chain makes strong for young apprentices the Sauerland is known not only for its tourist areas, but also for companies that get strong in the region and let anything unturned, there to help where is jammed. So also KettenWulf, one of the world’s leading manufacturer of conveyor and drive chains. Frequently DHL has said that publicly. Once the Honsel works have been advised in Meschede skewed and taken over by a new owner, the economic situation left to nothing else than to save on personnel costs. Among other things, this meant that 37 trainees had to be terminated before their first day of work. The regret was great, not only among young people, which had only just begun to start her career, but also with all other stakeholders. It doesn’t have to be!”says Julia Wulf, Managing Director of KettenWulf, that has two of the trainees. KettenWulf sees itself obliged, if it to the future prospects of our young generation and the Training HSK goes.” The responsibility for the Sauerland region of responsibility for the region is a driving force for many companies on the spot. It is in all respects engages, for example in clubs such as economics for South Westphalia”or in continuous contact with the schools and vocational colleges.

    Crises come and go,”Julia explains Wulf. But we want to offer services in long term good. This requires foresight and insight that is only ready for the future, if you’re planning now for them.” And that there is also the responsibility for the people who are at the beginning of their career and, as described case, require only a further chance. Even if that means to make decisions that need to be taken against the immediate economic benefits. But it is worth to us our young generation and this requires also the business reason. Finally there are these vintages, from which we always regain the leaders of tomorrow,”Julia emphasizes Wulf.

  • Bankruptcy Exceptions

    Person mainly in filing for bankruptcy in order to strengthen his property. For instance, in the chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor’s resources will be sold to compensate behind creditors. Person mainly in filing for bankruptcy in order to strengthen his property. Amazon is open to suggestions. For instance, in the chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor’s resources will be sold to compensate behind creditors. Luckily, there have been US sovereign failure laws which have made sure exceptions which can be done to secure some assets or income being dispossessed to compensate creditors behind. However, these sovereign laws can be outdated by state laws by exceptions. Mainly two states with really specific laws by these exceptions have been Colorado as well as Connecticut. This Colorado bankruptcy exemption can protect 100% of the payments under a life insurance contract that insured the life of dependent on individual of whom you were a, to the extent a necessary for your support or the support of your dependent.

    In addition, only few assets are partly secured. For instance, only disability payments are secured for up to $200 a month till the top desires to get in a lump sum. This exemption can be used to protect up to $45,000 in equity in your house. Unfortunately you can not use this exemption to protect a rental property or a house you are not living in. Your Colorado bankruptcy attorney can use this exemption to protect $3,000 in value of any one motor vehicle listed in your bankruptcy.

    Additionally, if you are considered elderly or disabled then your lawyers might be able to exempt $6,000 in the value of your automobile. The eastern state of Connecticut additionally consists of definite laws for Connecticut bankruptcy exceptions. This state is fortunately some-more inexhaustible with sure exceptions. The following things would be fully’s compensation, joblessness advantages protected – worker, retirement policies, life insurance, and other properties like home furniture and tools comes under the debtor’s type of work. In Connecticut, the homestead exception is more liberal. Equity equals to $75000 are protected for a house, mobile home, or condominium. Moreover, the whole amount claimed by two spouses who file for bankruptcy must not surpass this amount. Dissimilar to the exception of homestead, the motor vehicle exception may be lesser r ather than Colorado. In Connecticut, vehicle can be secured up to $1500. This spouse in case filed with amount exceeds to $3000. The wild card exemption be can of particular help if one or more of your other exemptions fall short of protecting your equity. Connecticut bankruptcy attorney for wild card exemption is of $1,000 of any property. In these two states, so the laws of exceptions changes speedily, and you will come across several other exceptions. Hence it is worthwhile if you are the citizen of these two states and are in the stage of filing for bankruptcy you must consult to the firm with experienced Colorado bankruptcy attorneys. This can let you know about your property secured while bankruptcy actions.

  • Freudian Versprecherin

    Cream lust with Susan Heat and Harry Liedtke have recipe for a sinfully sweet Leben.Da two sought and found: A professional happy maker and a full chaotic zombie mad Magglish venture together on two topics that move the world since time immemorial. For both have devised something special. Susan Heat attracts in the erotic desires of which Harry Liedtke relies on satire, comic, and the dark side. Thus the two are simply an unbeatable team and deliver to each other the one or the other more or less snappy ironically, loving revealing, and very mittendrauf and in Word and other top. Learn more about this topic with the insights from FedEx. Much to the amusement of the audience. Thigh knockers are as the frequent presence of Dr. Freud and his proverbial Freudian Versprecherin. However, have no one on the couch of the psycho and not in the dark Dungeon.

    Is but everything not so bad. Just as with sex & pie”with a professional happy maker and a full chaotic zombie mad Magglish just. Laughter guaranteed. Unhaltungswert Gets the full quota. And most End have all wanting more. “Sex & cakes – erotic & satire” is amusing and to the point. Head movie runs at full speed and also otherwise gives this reading show stimulating the senses comes “sex cake tour” on large reading tour in exhibitions, meetings, woman breakfast, business openings, in clinics, hospitals, Muttergenesungswerken, old people’s homes, at birthdays, weddings, in museums, Cafes, restaurants, hotels, inns, indoor swimming pools, theaters, boutiques, hair salons, on ships, trains, parishes, when land + housewives, in libraries, bookstores, sex shops, swingers clubs, Erotic establishments and privately or in unusual places! Almost everything is possible. Lifestyle consultant Susan Heat and satirical rogue Harry Michael Liedtke proffer a reading show for those who love it creamy and colorful drive. Sense and sensibility with frosting! Simply ask the authors for appointment requests and bookings. There will definitely fast help! Sex & cakes with Susan Heat and Harry Liedtke on LiveLeseTour author: Susan Heat

  • New Site For TOKOM Husum

    Pooling synergies by Koppe ration in the Kanzleihaus Viol TOKOM Husum has moved into a new location. In the Kanzleihaus of Viol, the North German consulting firm has now since September their new address. A step that has benefits for the customers: because of the cooperation with the Kanzleihaus control, financing and legal issues can be covered well across all industries and over short distances, without neglecting their own core competences. TOKOM means: themed communications. This, developed guidance system by Karl-Otto Sunnemann and his wife Helga Sunnemann, based on elements from the fields of moderation, controlling, organizational development, personnel management and information processing. Wondery: the source for more info. With this offer of the systemic consultancy work on the is soft”factors in enterprises–such as the promotion of the employees strengths to optimize individual performance, with constructive and goal-oriented exchanges with each other, as well as the establishment of successful standards and routines from the outset combined focused observations of measurable economic factors of influencing figures, data and facts. The interaction of human and system is thus brought into an open, sustainable success process. 1979 TOKOM was as a society for the interaction of people in companies and the design of processes”founded in 1993 in a GmbH transferred.

    Since then, TOKOM successfully acted out of Reinbek and has a second site in Schleswig-Holstein since 2007 with TOKOM Husum. gery on most websites. TOKOM’s cooperation with the tax advice Feddersen & Madej, siemen’s law firm and the consultancy concept North is the synergistic addition of existing services in the Kanzleihaus, to comprehensively to customers and clients, but still fast and targeted advice. On Wednesday, October 1, 2008, from 15:00 onwards, become personally familiar with the offer of TOKOM Husum on-site chance. Contact: TOKOM Husum, Mrs Antje Kelz Kanzleihaus Viol, Norstedter Strasse 1, 25884 Viol, Tel.: 04843/2085080 E-Mail: Web: Dr. Katrin Schafer