Tag: pa consulting

  • Selfregister

    Deciding not to spend money on brokers, I decided to register the company yourself. Experience in such matters, I had no idea, but after reading online about how there is a registration of companies, I realized that nothing daunting is not here, can handle himself. The more so to address this issue, I went for a long time, and even have had the "iron" agreement to lease premises with the consent of the owner to give me legal address (which is already something!). First, I sat down to prepare the constituent documents. My goal was to create a small firm selling advertising space in the media.

    Experience in this field, I had a considerable one. So I, without thinking twice, asked for help from his former boss, who opened the safe and a friendly let me read the charter, minutes of meeting of the founders and other documents, which includes registration llc. But I think when wish I would have coped without his help, because on the Internet, today you can find samples of all the constituent documents. In the end, I prepared to register the following information and documents: – through suffering sleepless nights Name Future Ltd – selected me kind of economic activity according to nace classification – the legal address (which was taken care of in advance) – the size of the share capital (chose to start a minimum) – copy your passport (I – the only founder and CEO) – Full name of the chief accountant and a copy of his passport – the charter company – the decision to open llc.