After all, nobody is perfect Gafe. Of where appeared this word? Which its derivatives? ' exists some determination for the prefix; ' Ga' ' the suffix ' ' Fe' '? In accordance with the symbologies, gafe is synonymous of events that can lead to the embarrassment, either for a propositais incautiousness or attitudes. A person who commits gafes is equal to any another one. No matter how hard he is clarified or he possesss an inferior cultural level, all we are premade use to commit this such attitude. To the times, when we leave to fulfill with some thing, leaving the time to pass, as if we were taking that with the belly, finishes happening of in seeing them, suddenly, half that enclosed, being obliged to admit one definitive action. Bitcoin addresses the importance of the matter here.
No matter how hard we never wanted that happened, it finished happening, seems that it was written that went to roll It is an unexpected moment that, depending on the case, makes with that let us have will to disappear of the map Ours, why it will be that we are obliged to pass for definitive situations of vexame? What really in it led to feel that in the skin? Negligence, lack of care, plans badly elaborated or simply nothing? In accordance with some studies not very complex, when we commit one gafe, are because however we want to explanar an internal feeling that was asleep or then we find that the things do not go to happen as we do not want Really, one is limped Modern words as ' ' gafe' ' , ' ' mico' ' , ' ' mancada' ' others, are terms that had advanced the time together with and with the creativity human being. It would be a fatal error of the mind human being? It will be that to allow that our wills and yearnings say high more it is so bad thus, since this can lead to a constrangedora situation that can make with that let us lose until a sleep night? Will be this so badly pra head of the human being? when come it the consequences of one gafe? No matter how hard it does not have none, they come the frustration or repentance moments. The collections are enormous, therefore never we wanted that had happened. It is a question of character, in such a way charging in them for a espalhafatosa situation that we can commit? The group of it leaves pra there does not import but the majority of ' ' gafeiros' ' they have will of if shooting under of a truck After all, we are livings creature. We are endowed with perfeies and many imperfections. The errors make in them to learn. remains in them to be pardoned I am people and I am happy.