Tag: psychology

  • Perfection

    After all, nobody is perfect Gafe. Of where appeared this word? Which its derivatives? &#039 exists some determination for the prefix; ' Ga' ' the suffix ' ' Fe' '? In accordance with the symbologies, gafe is synonymous of events that can lead to the embarrassment, either for a propositais incautiousness or attitudes. A person who commits gafes is equal to any another one. No matter how hard he is clarified or he possesss an inferior cultural level, all we are premade use to commit this such attitude. To the times, when we leave to fulfill with some thing, leaving the time to pass, as if we were taking that with the belly, finishes happening of in seeing them, suddenly, half that enclosed, being obliged to admit one definitive action. Bitcoin addresses the importance of the matter here.

    No matter how hard we never wanted that happened, it finished happening, seems that it was written that went to roll It is an unexpected moment that, depending on the case, makes with that let us have will to disappear of the map Ours, why it will be that we are obliged to pass for definitive situations of vexame? What really in it led to feel that in the skin? Negligence, lack of care, plans badly elaborated or simply nothing? In accordance with some studies not very complex, when we commit one gafe, are because however we want to explanar an internal feeling that was asleep or then we find that the things do not go to happen as we do not want Really, one is limped Modern words as ' ' gafe' ' , ' ' mico' ' , ' ' mancada' ' others, are terms that had advanced the time together with and with the creativity human being. It would be a fatal error of the mind human being? It will be that to allow that our wills and yearnings say high more it is so bad thus, since this can lead to a constrangedora situation that can make with that let us lose until a sleep night? Will be this so badly pra head of the human being? when come it the consequences of one gafe? No matter how hard it does not have none, they come the frustration or repentance moments. The collections are enormous, therefore never we wanted that had happened. It is a question of character, in such a way charging in them for a espalhafatosa situation that we can commit? The group of it leaves pra there does not import but the majority of ' ' gafeiros' ' they have will of if shooting under of a truck After all, we are livings creature. We are endowed with perfeies and many imperfections. The errors make in them to learn. remains in them to be pardoned I am people and I am happy.

  • Sociability And Success

    Each person does not have enough attention. everyone. Show me even one who says: "me enough attention" and I will prove that this man has a low self-esteem, or block the will to power. And then something needs to be correction. Why do we never have enough attention? Because we – being social and just about other people can understand – be happy if we are successful there, whether their objectives are living, or sell someone else Because the only other person can answer – do we really smart, kind, gentle, beautiful, loved, talented, charming, necessary, necessary A confirmation of this, we must at all times. Negotiator – a man who knows how to move in towards a lack of attention to yourself, loved one, and concentrate on the interlocutor. That is, give the other party any part of much-needed attention to him, warmth and understanding. So simple.

    So difficult. You're in the spotlight, the center of the world, the universe that man Is not going to try to keep you in the center of the universe? Do not want to stay longer the most important person on earth to someone? That's because there is attraction, liking. We both like people showing us just what we wanted to be. We very much want to continue talking with the man so understand and accept. We trust this man.

    Why do so few of these negotiators? Because understanding and adoption must be sincere. Many times seen on training diligently portrayed an interest in another. Tension on their faces: 'what would you ask for something else clever? " Try people are trying hard. But from a difficult taak distraction! And any lack of sincerity, any incongruence companion instantly "read" on an unconscious level and leave the trust. Because it is very difficult – set aside their own problems and needs in attention, understanding and acceptance of, and concentrate entirely on the other. All we with each other and in the center of attention – their own cockroaches. Most of us are not up to other people. More important than how I look, I say, as I perceive And do not income, the other by the same concerned. And you look at it carefully – what was wrong with him that he is interesting, important, necessary, find – and you are using in his eyes just so. Someone wanted to – an important, significant Fortunately, there are Sorry – the post-industrial economy means that the most important in any business – is to build relationships with customers. This means that the foreground negotiators – special on building relationships and the most important becomes the ability to be attentive to the other. Understand and build trust – the most important competence negotiator.

  • Key Success

    This is: you must contact enough people until you get to make a sale. (2) – The remaining 5% are the distributors TOP of any company MLM, which are placed on the market so they are allowed to interested prospects to find them, and contact them. Option number 2 is undeniably the choice top for many reasons, but I would like to point out a dynamic that is the key to this concept, so don’t forget: what makes the success of prospecting is who find and contact the other person in option 1, persecuting the prospect. In option 2, the prospectus you seeks to you, which means that you are perceived as the expert and it keep all the power and value in this situation. The prospect has invited us to their world and basically asks us to sell you our goods or services, or to let him enter this MLM automatically raisin business opportunity all the barriers and walls that all dealers of your company must break. You may find that Western Union can contribute to your knowledge. Consequently if we do not strive, by getting a good company, where provide us extensive knowledge and tools necessary to become an expert of the multilevel, us cost long time achieve that dream is fulfilled, why? Because if we do not prepare well will not have a high percentage of success, but only a 2% people interested in truth for every 100 prospects. Does not turn to that and have a 99% success rate interested?, the best possible strategy is to position itself as a valuable provider whose expertise is demanded.

    So as you can stand out from the masses and be above all the hustle and bustle of today’s market. But how to do that? You must be wondering. Simple gun more powerful marketing you have in your arsenal you because unlike of business opportunities, there is only one like you in the entire planet.

  • Client-Centered Therapy

    Client-centered therapy approaches for treating many disorders and addictions. However, this method imposes very stringent requirements on the personality of the therapist, so its effectiveness is directly depends on the elaboration and safely specialist. Also, the method is not suitable for people with severe social fears and concerns. 5. Existential psychotherapy is shown to solve the problems associated with limit givens of existence: death, freedom, isolation and meaninglessness.

    In addition, the existential approach can also be used to solve the problems associated with freedom, responsibility, love and creative potential. A separate conversation about the specialists, not with basic psychological education and health. Usually it is a basic education in “Psychiatry”, after which you may receive education and psychological areas of the psychotherapist. I personally am very careful to such experts, because it seems to me that the medical unit at the division of all people on the sick and healthy, normal and abnormal, eats into them so deeply that it is difficult then to build partnerships and the therapeutic relationship, they tend to take on the role of “wise counselor” almighty teacher not located in, and the situation. However, such an attitude can not be applied to all similar professionals polls, and I personally know very wonderful therapists with basic medical education. Also, I think not must have a special thrill to academic titles, because in Russia there is no scientific council, which would protect professionals from research in the field of psychological counseling, and deep knowledge of specialized psychological spheres are of little help in practical psychology.

  • Cross Foods

    The security in the children will be in that their majors support to him. In order to obtain that the boy with celaca disease accepts better his foods, one gets used to adapting prescriptions to his needs and takes everything with greater naturalness, is beneficial: To let it be contributor of the elaboration of its meals: With this it can show the different ones to him flours that use in both preparation, to teach to clean well all the instruments to him before preparing its foods to avoid the cross-contamination. To cause that it plans his menu: to go of together purchases, to study the labels along with, to show the ingredients to him that must avoid, to leave chooses the foods that want to try, and of this form to verify if when you are not close it knows that it can eat;

    In order to do something simpler the product distinction within the home, to place labels in the foods that can consume Ideally that the label takes the identification logo of foods without TACC, thus already learns that it must look for that standard when buying. To include/understand it when it requests some thing that cannot ingest, to give its word to find out if they are managed to make variants adapted to his feeding. To become accustomed itself to go to the meetings, exits or until a to eat to a restaurant, with one vianda with the special food for the boy: To never reject an invitation to a meeting because the boy cannot eat what he is going away to serve there, to try to make versions adapted to the appropriate feeding, than usually eats in the place where they go. When the boy is accustomed from small taking his vianda, when being he will take growing it at the most natural and a rare tiny beast will not feel. Not to evade the premises of food fast, when it has another children that wants to go to them, if it is not able a restaurant where they sell food adapted to the celiaca feeding, to take vianda for the coeliac boy with an adapted there version than it uses (hamburgers, pizza, etc) and to remove it without modesty.

    Those that must be shamed of not having a letter adapted for all are that class of restaurants, not them celacas people. It remembers that when arriving at the adolescence the friendly of their son are going to want to go to those places and if the taking as something natural to take its own vianda is not ashamed to do it when growing. To teach to tell its condition to him to the others, of normal and simple form: To teach to say educadamente to him No, thank you very much, if they ofrezcen something to him that cannot eat. To instruct to him to answer simply and without inconveniencing themselves, nor worrying themselves before the insistences of the others to that it tries (this will be too necessary when arriving at the adolescence) That it takes with naturalness the fact that will have to watch the ingredients whereupon it always prepares its meals and to ask that they have in its elaboration.

  • Source

    It found some quaint thing in this photo? What it is issobebendo in the water through of kiss-flower? Yes, it is a bat! When we hear to speak of the bats immediately we think about: danger, threat, diseases, damage, or in the personage quadrinhos them, filmese livened up drawings: Batman. In the first case, they only appear negative emotions. Of algumaforma, we were ' ' treinados' ' to reject this bichinho and to associate it things ruinse, on the other hand, the Batman, defender of justice, persecutor of the outlaws, afflicted and conflicted masmuito. Nor in a side nor in the other the thing is 100% good one! Now, I go to ask for you stops looking at again for this fotodeixando of side the preconceptions and judgments learned concerning the bat. Chobani Refugees: the source for more info. It will be that it obtains to enxergar something different? Something more than what sensations of nojoe disgust? This bat, of the GlossophagSoricina type, used to advantage umaoportunidade! Yes, this exactly! This type of bats if feeds of nectar of flowers and agua with sugar resulted an ideal drink. Intent energy.

    Probably, some few minutes drinking of this water they must compensate innumerable flowers, noacha? But the objective of this article is not of saying about dosmorcegos seno of the chances. Of these chances that we use to advantage edaquelas that we leave to pass. Why many chances pass for our front and noconseguimos to use to advantage them? We go to speak concerning the 4 Laws of the Universe: Law of the Belief – ' ' Any thing that you to believe with feeling, will go to become realidade' '. Law of the Expectation – ' ' Any thing that to desire will intensamenteir to changed itself into its auto-realizadora&#039 prophecy; '. Law of the Attraction – ' ' Any thing that you to think consistently, will go to attract for its vida' '. .

  • Happy Sensation

    All we feel the sensation of that he lacks something to be happy. A sensation of a great emptiness in a life and the soul, the wait of some day to fill it and nor we know with what. He is as if in he lacked a reason to them to live, capable of in feeling them deeply unsafe in our interior world and we questioned because and what we are making of our lives, that we find without very to be felt. He can until seems that the completude feeling is reached in the process of our death, after all, if she was not more necessary strengtheing in them to go behind nothing, we could delivering in them and feeling them complete, as our mission fulfilled with a happy end. Many times the death is in the shown one thus: after a long sigh, the person dies as if it entered softly in a deep sleep, where, finally, it was in peace.

    It will be that it really is thus? or is a form of terms the hope of finally filling our deep emptiness? Gangchen Rinpoche said in them on this feeling of incompletude: ' ' Frequent, we feel lack of something almost imperceptible, something that is not mental, intellectual. Even though in the privileged situations, where we think to be satisfied, then this subtle feeling appears of that something in the lack. We have, then, the test of that the material life is not enough, and leave in search something more spiritual. This something that in the lack is to find and to touch our proper potential of peace. The peace is a natural manifestation of the mind through the soul. In the reality we need to stimulate to understand that what we are looking for outside of us if it finds in our interior.

  • February

    In this case the imagination of those who believes that it can infected, there is a great value. " Today we must recognize that in this matter inquisitors were pretty close to the truth. Experiments trainer vl Durova on telepathy example, here is what the experiment demonstrated vl Durov scientist in his menagerie February 21, 1914. Commission members asked Durova mentally convince the lion prince, so he attacked the lioness was lying peacefully in the far corner of the cage. The famous trainer was against such ill- experiment, but "for the sake of scientific truth" was forced to take this step. Looking into the eyes calmly in front of him a lion, he vividly imagined as a lioness princess steals a piece of meat, supposedly was lying in front of the Prince, and that its yellow paw issued claws are about to touch it. Commission members did not have time or anything to figure out how the lion roared, rushed to the lioness and bit her. Animals quickly merged into one huge ball of rolling around, and staggered cell buzzing from the blows of their bodies excited for a long time did not leave the lion, he even badly hurt his paw and is close to the lattice minister.

    Prince reassured Durov. And again – same look. Leo walked nervously back and forth in a cage. I came up and caught his eye. His eyes glowed green fosforiticheskim light. That he lay down. Continue, without stopping, looking at the lion, mentally caress his fingers, move my mane Prince, scales behind his ear, and all thoughts

  • Top Ten Reasons For Treason

    One of the most common reason to refer to a therapist – is found cheating. And almost always the woman is experiencing a double burden: to experience the fact of infidelity from a spouse, and feelings of guilt. Recently time in the company believed that the guilt for betraying her husband lies on his wife: that it made little effort to ensure that its hold on infidelity. Is this correct? In fact, the causes of adultery are much deeper. Consider the most common. The first reason.

    The husband has an affair, so flattering to his vanity. For such men sex – the recognition or approval of its merits or the kind of match, which can and must win. He believes that the novel "side" raises his social status. This brings to mind an anecdote about a man differs from the boy's only worth of toys? Mistress – an expensive and prestigious "toy". Reason Two.

    Many men come to regard outsiders simply because they are bored. If a man is tired from work and from the wife, playing sports, he has no hobbies, he usually has an affair. Mistress for him – the same hobby. Friends who spend time on a fishing trip, who at the stadium, and he – with his mistress. This is a unique way to relax, relieve stress and relax. And the man could in no way neglected duty towards his family and not to treat sex as a sport, not to change partners. Often these men mistress goes into a "sex friend".