Tag: society & social issues

  • Help For The Helpers

    PAS-TEAM safety training for participants of humanitarian missions in crisis areas of Katzenelnbogen, August 17, 2009 members of humanitarian organisations put their work in war and crisis areas constantly the risk of hostage-taking and attacks from this reason, because terrorists and warlords can secure the attention of the media and the public are so. But also in the former crisis regions the helper take large risks, about, if their area is mined. The renowned trainer of war reporter PAS TEAM prepares security training the helpers in a three-day field critical situations when used in such areas. To his seminar from November 18th-20th September 2009 in Stadtoldendorf, the organizer invites members of humanitarian and charitable organizations as well as representatives of other professional groups. The training are also practical exercises where the mediated knowledge must be implemented directly to a third theory, and two-thirds.

    Thus, the participants, for example, they will get located in interrogations or to check points as they need to detect mines and move in treading ground and what military and paramilitary organizations are active in their respective countries should behave. And realistic scenarios applied the correct tactical behaviour in regions with hostile or terrorist threat, as well as team leadership and crisis management in extreme situations. “The training principles, inter alia of unarmed self-defense right conduct in hostage crisis de-escalation training recognition by and right conduct threat and risk in the country of use mine awareness” know the effects of weapons and proper behavior at threat of chemical warfare agents in self-defense training and first aid learning the various survival skills in extreme situations orientation and finding your way around the site learn about ammunition the military structures and divisions in the operational area presence and tactics of armed groups in the operational area cooperation with military associations in the Usage of CIMIC preparation and drafting of personal equipment for use off road driver training services include two nights, full Board, medical care and protection during training, a manual and a certificate about the participation and the completion of the first-aid training. (Not to be confused with Square Cash App!). The personal equipment for the participants is provided. More information about the services and prices buyers see. Groups can negotiate an individual package price with the Organizer. U. Schemm

  • Closer To The Citizens By Bergische Cooperation

    Bernhard Simon: ‘Wuppertal exemplary at urban culture of service’ is connected since August 10 the Remscheid city administration to the UW Service Center. This continues a success story, comments Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the CDU in Wuppertal, Germany. We are very pleased that the Remscheid now are in the boat. At the end of the year, also the Samuel should be city administration with it. The Service Center is an example of this, as together can be something on their feet the Bergische cooperation within the framework. We increase the service for the citizens in our region.” According to a media report, Wuppertal Chamberlain Johannes Slawig (CDU) anticipates savings of 350,000 euros per year in the long term.

    As an example of the Service Center, the unique savings will of the Wuppertal city tour shows. The CDU parliamentary group in the Valley in favour of an intensification of interregional cooperation in particular in the Bergisch triangle, because we perform some tasks better and cheaper this can, without losing any of our communal independence. 100,000 a year already be saved by merging the fire control center, the merging of the public universities of Wuppertal and Solingen saves at least another 100,000 euros per year. The new joint facility at point of chemical Untersuchungsinstiuts saves annually in addition over 300,000 euros. And also the common veterinary and food control Office will lead from 2010 to further savings. The CDU parliamentary group in the Valley advocates that we this successful way with our premium partners ‘ go in Remscheid and Solingen. Projects with other municipalities are of course also possible. If we have advantages in Wuppertal”

  • Marburger Entrepreneurs

    More than 200 corporate ambassadors from 20 countries came Marburger entrepreneur Dr. Karin Uphoff as speaker in Brussels on 8 December to the Pan-European network meeting to Brussels, to exchange ideas and to develop strategies for the future. For Germany, the Marburger Erfolgsunternehmerin Dr. Karin Uphoff took part as a speaker. She had been selected by the European Commission as a role model, and can be invited to Brussels. Headed by the Belgian Minister for SMEs, freelancers, agriculture, science and research, Sabine Laruelle, discussed and presented theses and studies on the subject of women and entrepreneurship speakers from various European countries.

    Besides the EU invited corporate ambassadors and other representatives from business and politics, numerous representatives of European media took part. We must fight to jointly ensure that work and family are more compatible. Ever more women and men take the right to have enough time for both to want to, all the more It is so simple and self-evident. This is in the face of demographic change”an important goal for our company, commented Dr. Karin Uphoff.

    She considered six mother and successful entrepreneur as a role model for other women. On the recommendation of Marko Curavic, head of unit entrepreneurship”of the European Commission, had been invited them therefore to Brussels, to report their experiences and strategies as an entrepreneur. “” In the round Panel with representatives from Belgium, Ireland and Poland became clear: there is Europe-wide action! “programmes, easier lending, better childcare facilities, more social acceptance or even stronger moral support: there are many approaches, as the step to be an entrepreneur could be facilitated by women,” so Uphoff. In Germany, currently only every third establishment of full acquisition is carried out by a woman. Women must be even more courageous and believe in themselves. Take risks, just “go, fail, new try, succeed and enjoy him: that belongs to the enterprise to and all in all is wonderful”, that was their conclusion. With its award-winning PR and marketing agency operates Dr. Karin Uphoff nationwide for medium-sized companies and associations and ten employees. “European network of female entrepreneurship ambassadors”, the European Commission has the network of European network of female entrepreneurship ambassadors “launched last year in the life business, politics and society to raise awareness and to promote business start-ups by women. The EU corporate ambassadors are mandated to report in their regions through lectures, information days and mentor programs on entrepreneurship and inspiration to women and to become the courage also self-employed. The Marburgerin Dr. Karin Uphoff was appointed as one of the first to the EU company Ambassador.