Types Of Birth Control Pills

There are many different types of birth control pills: an overview of the birth control pill is the most widely used method of contraception among women and according to the Pearl index is also one of the most reliable method of contraception. Get more background information with materials from Amazon. There are two different types of birth control pills, the combination pill, and the so-called miniskirt. The combined pill has its name by the combination of two active ingredients. It contains synthetic versions of the female hormones estrogen and progestin, the minipill contains only the progestin. The estrogen in the combination pill is low doses, so also called the micro pill. This combination pill prevents pregnancy in three different ways.

Firstly to prevent ovulation and a fertilized egg can fail to implant in the uterus. Still, the cervical mucus is thickened, which the sperm can not penetrate into the cervix. As a result, that a nearly 100 percent protection against pregnancy exists. This type of pill is taken 21 days in a row. After a one-week break each follows this cycle before the intake of new starts. There is a further distinction of this pill. The one-step preparations contain the same dosage in all 21 tablets, two-stage preparations have two different doses, is used at the beginning of taking only estrogen. The three-stage preparations have three different doses with each two hormones.

The minipill varies a lot, as it contains no estrogen. In particular, the intake for women is recommended, which are sensitive to estrogen. A pack contains 28 tablets and the Pack be used seamlessly in succession. Thus most captured every day a pill as possible at the same time. Basically, both types of birth control pills offer a reliable contraceptive protection. As long as the revenue according to leaflet and there are no interactions with other drugs. For example, the effect can be restricted by certain medications, so should stop taking with your doctor be discussed.